Need Info on ELDICO SSB 100 MIL Transmitter???????????

Robert Ross va3sw at ROGERS.COM
Wed Dec 10 20:59:23 EST 2003

Hello Guys:

     I will be the New  Owner shortly of an ELDICO SSB 100 MIL Transmitter. 
I am Familiar with the SSB 100 Model, But have never seen the MIL Version 
(Military). I understood that the Mil Version was
Rack mount....but this one is in a Case....But is Rack Mountable.  I have a 
Lot of Old Boatanchor Radio Literature .....But very little that covers 
Eldico! Any other owners out there with an SSB 100 MIL Model Tx??? The 
Transmitter I am obtaining has a that will be helpful....but 
I know very little about this Early 50's Tx. Can anyone help out with 
Comments, Rarity??, Value etc?? Any
Info or Comments are appreciated!! Anyone ever restored one of these??? 
Looking Forward to adding this Tx to my Collection!! If you know anything 
about the  Transmitter...Please let me know either
here on the Reflector....or direct by Email     va3sw at

Thanks For any help or Info.....

73..........ROB VA3SW

Robert S. Ross VA3SW
Box 1003, Stn. B.
London, Ontario

Antique/Vintage Radio Enthusiast
Amateur Radio Stations VA3SW/VE3JFC

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