FS: Electrolytic Capacitors

Brian Carling bcarling at CFL.RR.COM
Thu Feb 6 07:49:10 EST 2003

Computer Grade Electrolytic capacitors.

4200 uF / 75V $6.00 each

1700 uF / 200V $9.00 each
3700 uF / 200V $11.00 each
3800 uF / 200V $11.00 each
4900 uF / 200V $13.00 each

1200 uF / 250V $9.00 each

1000 uF / 300V $12.00 each
4100 uF / 300V $15.00 each

320 uF / 400V $8.00 each
1500 uF / 400V $18.00 each
1800 uF / 400V $19.00 each

470 uF / 450V $12.00 (1 only) $12.00
1800 uF / 450V $21.00 each
2500 uF / 450V $22.00 each

Some of these I only have one. Inquire for quantites available. Shipping additional

E-mail me to arrange purchase

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