Looking for schematic & tuneup information for Hallicrafters S-103

Bob And Bettina Groh rgroh at SWBELL.NET
Tue Jan 21 00:34:37 EST 2003


I'm looking for some information for a friend of mine (Lee Holmes,
W0RDL).  He recently acquired a Hallicrafters S-103 and has been unable
to find a schematic or alignment information for it (he already checked
all the available Sams documents).  If anyone could send him or me any
sources for these, both of us would appreciate it.  The S-103 is up and
working but needs an alignment badly.  Thanks!

Bob Groh, WA2CKY

P.S. to Lee:
The S-103 (aka 'Continental' 1956-57) is a cute little radio!  Dachis
says it is the same as the Hallicrafters 5R40, 41 and 42 except for case
color.  By the way the other radio (the metal cased portable) we were
struggling to remember the name of is a 'Minerva' and probably was the
model W117 "Tropic Master", 1946, about $35 to $45 in Bunis book.

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