[Boatanchors] ALERT: AM Under Attack - WA3VJB

Neil McKie n.mckie at BENDCABLE.COM
Fri Jun 20 18:25:35 EDT 2003

  Classical music at 5000 watts ...

  Country & Western music at 0.5 watts ...

  WA6KLA ...

van lincoln wrote:
> I'll vote to allow 250 watts max for any am religious broadcast
> operation.
> and heavy metal station get a max of 10 watts.  and rock and
> roll stations get 500 watts.  and 60's music stations get 5000
> watts.....
> chuckle......
> wd8aam
> At 06:02 PM 6/20/2003 -0400, J. Forster wrote:
> >L. M. Picard wrote:
> >
> >> I do not hold and have never held a "ticket".  One of the reasons is
> >> that what is hear on the ham bands on the occasions when I scan them,
> >> generally holds little interest.
> >
> >I agree on both points. I do collect some WW II systems though.
> >
> >> My personal belief is that a fresh look should be had into what amateur
> >> radio is all about and why amateurs should be given access to the radio
> >> spectrum.   Now that everyone has a cell phone or a family service
> >> radio, the justification of a backup communication system no longer
> >> exists.
> >
> >Absolutely wrong. Cell phones become useless when there is a big
> emergency. They
> >can also be government controlled too easily. This may not be an issue to
> all here,
> >but is certainly a worldwide concern.
> >
> >> I doubt many young people get their feet wet in electronics
> >> through building ham equipment any more.
> >
> >Sad, but true. It is very difficult for any individual, no matter what hs
> >resources, to match products from commercial vendors. OTOH, hams have
> thought up
> >new modes, etc.
> >
> >> On the other hand, the
> >>  public cannot be happy with TVI and its variants, or the ham that makes
> his
> >> florescent lights glow at night.
> >
> >That problem is trivial compared to broadcasters. Virtually every phone
> and radio
> >near me picks up a 50KW religious station that preaches 24/7, and they
> will do
> >NOTHING to fix it. If I put a scope probe in the air I see 10 volts of RF.
> What ham
> >does that? I have to build anything electronic in a shielded box to reduce
> the BC
> >band EMI.
> >
> >> Much of the rag-chew activity would be better served by audio chat rooms
> >> on the internet rather than over the air.   It is really not necessary
> >> to broadcast information about armed service-related experiences in
> >> various brothels around the world over international borders or stories
> >> about one's personal struggles with gout.
> >
> >There is loads of trash and spam on the air. Much of it is downright lies.
> Tune the
> >SW broadcast bands and I dare you to tell me that much of the programming
> there is
> >not garbage and a HUGE waste of spectrum.
> >
> >> I would like to grant people the possibility of one-way broadcasting of
> >> a non-commercial nature or even the right to broadcast music if they
> >> chose.
> >>
> >> The current amateur service has evolved into a social outlet for a small
> >> number of mainly aging males but serves any broader purpose less and
> >> less.
> >
> >What about shutting up all the high power evangelical preachers? Shutting
> one of
> >them down would allow for thousands of hams.
> >
> >-John
> >
> >>
> >>
> >> If it is to survive, hams will have to agree to cough up more for their
> >> tickets to pay for effective enforcement.
> >>
> >
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