FS: URM-25G Signal Generator

Dave Hollander n7rk at COX.NET
Mon May 12 18:55:28 EDT 2003

US Navy AN/URM-25G Signal Generator...........$135 plus Shipping

This well built unit covers 10 kHz to 50 MHz in 8 bands. The unit has
been tested and works great. With a frequency range of 10kHz to 50mHz,
400Hz and 1,000Hz AM modulation, and an attenuator calibrated 1
microvolt to 1 volt RMS, this generator makes easy work aligning Collins

R-390, R-388, R-392, Hammarlund SP-600, National RAO, HRO, as well as
WWII military BC-348, BC-312/342 and others. The low frequency range
covers IF's in the 50kHz range for receivers like the SX-88, Drake 2B,
etc. . Includes a copy of the manual. It does not have any of the
accessories that go inside the cover. This unit is heavy.


I will ship overseas.

You can check my user ID "n7rk" on Eb*y
for a reference as to dealing with me.

Thanks for looking and 73,

Dave N7RK

Dave  N7RK                    http://members.cox.net/n7rk
Phoenix, Arizona         *DXCC Honor Roll*    *WAZ#23 - 75 Meter SSB*

            ex-XE2/N7RK, N7RK/ZB2, VK2ERK, ZM0AJN, WB6NRK, WN6IWX

Boatanchor and Antique Radio Collector Extraordinaire preferring
Hallicrafters, National and what ever else looks interesting!

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