~ OT: Scanning (optical) question

Garey Barrell k4oah at MINDSPRING.COM
Sun Oct 19 15:53:36 EDT 2003

Ed -

Check for a "descreen" control on your scanning software.

The yucky pictures are a result of a "beat note"
between the resolution of the scanner and the screen of
the photo.  On mine, "Magazine" (150 dpi) seems to take
care of most.  Slows the scan process a bit, but fixes
the problem.

73, Garey - K4OAH

Ed Tanton wrote:

> When I scan half-tone (or whatever they are) pictures from advertising
> brochures the photos turn out awfully. Anyone know what to do about this?
> 73 Ed Tanton N4XY <n4xy at earthlink.net>
> Ed Tanton N4XY
> 189 Pioneer Trail
> Marietta, GA 30068-3466
> website: http://www.n4xy.com

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