Factoids - is this a new spam tactic?

Fred Olsen fwolsen at EXECPC.COM
Thu Oct 23 11:33:49 EDT 2003

Al Parker wrote:
> is this a new spam tactic?

>>Just this once, click the link below so I can receive your emails.
>>You won't have to do this again.

Al, as far as I know it's legit - but annoying.  SpamArrest is real, and
apparently works by requiring confirmation of incoming addresses as
genuine.  The user, "Mark" somebody, would be a subscriber to this list.
  When you posted your message his SpamArrest program requested that you
verify your address before it would deliver your post.  I'm no friend of
spam but I find this method of prevention to be a minor burden.  If we
don't acknowledge the request "Mark" will never receive our posts, nor
will he know he isn't receiving them.  I've been deleting the requests
too.  So - too bad.

Now I s'pose I'll get another one.  Sigh.

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