6146 vs. 6146B

Glen Zook gzook at YAHOO.COM
Fri Apr 30 16:10:39 EDT 2004

Yes and no!

Certain transmitters within any model run will work
without problems with the 6146B although they have
been designed for the 6146 / 6146A / 8298.  However,
other transmitters of exactly the same model are very
"unhappy" with the "B"!

If the grid circuit is pretty well "loaded" down (like
in the DX-35 and DX-40) which is done to keep from
having to neutralize the final and to reduce the drive
level, then you have a pretty good chance that the
transmitter will work fine.  But, if such is not the
case, then you may have all sorts of problems with the
6146B / 8298A "taking off".

The easiest way to find out is to try the 6146B.  If
it is stable to start with, then watch it for several
hours of operation (even several days).  If the rig
stays "stable", then you are "home free"!  If you
start having problems then go back to the 6146 /

If you haven't read the article that was in Electric
Radio a couple of years ago about the 6146 family, it
is reprinted on both of the websites that are listed
at the end of this message.

Glen, K9STH

--- "Alan W. Fremmer" <AWFremmer at AOL.COM> wrote:

Before I do something stupid, decided to poll the
experts and see if I can replace a 6146 with a 6146B
in an EICO 720 transmitter.  Any advice would be
greatly appreciated.

Glen, K9STH

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