FS: Homebrew 20m CW transmitter

Brian Carling bcarling at CFL.RR.COM
Tue May 25 09:23:10 EDT 2004

Homebrew 20m CW Transmitter.
Neat little 14 MHz 6AQ5 single tube CW transmitter.
It has no power supply and is made on a TINY chassis about
Homebrew tank coil is wound on a 35mm film case.
Air variable cap for plate tuning. Has SO-239 connector for
antenna and standard 1/4" jack for key.
Crystal socket on front for FT243 crystal.
(Can supply one crystal with rig for $5.00)
Requires 250-300V DC and 6.3V AC.
Chassis dimensions approx. 3" square and 1/2" high.
Will sell for $24.00 plus shipping

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