Vomax info

peter A markavage pmarkavage at JUNO.COM
Fri Nov 5 01:53:45 EST 2004

There was a Company called Vomax (late 60's through late 70's) and
McMurdo Silver made several different models that used the description
"Vomax". Could you be more specific so people know what to be looking

Pete, wa2cwa

On Thu, 4 Nov 2004 23:04:05 -0500 Bob <ramcleod at COMCAST.NET> writes:
> Greetings to all, I just picked up a Vomax processor, does anyone
> have an op manual or any other documentation they could share?
> The 'in' and 'out' seem straight forward, but I don't want to fry
> anything.
> Thanks in advance,  Bob  KA1DFO

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