ARRL Ruins the AM, CW and DIGITAL bands.

LM Picard lmpicard at ALLSTREAM.NET
Tue Oct 26 20:19:21 EDT 2004

Just to go back to my earlier post.   I don't surf the marine bands much
but I recall that a number of shore stations have either been closed or
bought out by a few players.   The last time I checked there seemed to
be a lot of unused bandwidth on the marine bands and some stations with
so little traffic that seem to be forever running wheels.

There appears to be a lot of under-used bandwidth in the HF spectrum
outside the Ham bands.   The re-allocations in the ham bands should
create more SSB phone channels, preserve the existing AM slots and allow
for closer spacing of CW and spectrum efficient digital modes.

As opposed to years ago, new gear allows users to spot-on frequency and
should allow one to use very narrow bandwidth, as is appropriate to some
digital modes.

I don't know exactly what the state of CW operations is now but a few
years ago some hams told me that they were happy to have CW comms with
stations a few hundred Hz away.  This certainly does not respect the
current state of the art.

W2AGN wrote:

>On Tuesday 26 October 2004 06:13, Brian Carling wrote:
>>It sounds like this ARRL action means they are going to
>>further infringe on AM by limiting bandwidth and dividing up
>>the bands on the basis of width rather than the present rules!
>>It is SICKENING to think that they might further restrict
>>AM operation! Also the Pactor-WInlink garbage has got to go...
>Here is forwarded message that says it all better than I could:
>It seems that the ARRL's plan for allowing unattended robot Pactor
>stations to basically operate without regard to ongoing communications
>has been proposed so the their rich yacht yuppie friends that are
>cruising the oceans can have free access to internet email via the
>Winlink system that is operated on tha amateur HF bands !  They have even
>encouraged some of these yacht yuppies to get their ham license just so
>the could use this service.  Yes, you read that right !  The ARRL is
>wanting non hams that cruise the oceans in expensive yachts with six
>digit price tags to get their license just so they can get free email
>while on the ocean despite the fact that these people can afford more
>efficient satelite email service and do the same thing !  I think it's
>high time that ALL hams let our so called "only game in town that is
>supposed to be working for our common good" called the ARRL to keep email
>on the internet and off amateur radio !  The operation that they are
>proposing, will allow unattended Pactor robot stations to transmit and
>interfere with ongoing communications without you being able to do
>anything about it !  That means that if you are working that rare DX
>station and a Pactor robot station fires up on the same frequency you are
>working the DX station on, you will have no recourse in resolving the
>problem because the Pactor station will be within their full legal right
>to do so !  Please, lets flood the ARRL directors with email telling them
>that we do not want this to be put into effect.  You can get the email
>addresses for each director from the ARRL website, so let them know how
>you feel, and please pass this on to every ham you know !
> +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+  John L. Sielke
> |W| |2| |A| |G| |N|  w2agn at
> +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+ +-+
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