Wanted ARC-5 RF Current Meter

RJ Mattson rjmattson at HVI.NET
Thu Apr 14 16:59:46 EDT 2005

I have a 1 ampere RF ammeter in series with my 52 ohm coax line. Full scale 
means I have 52 watts output.
Your full scale 10 ampere meter would indicate you have 5,200 watts out to a 
52 ohm antenna.
Power equals current squared times resistance.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Linden, Jerome" <jlinden at SJM.COM>
Subject: Re: [BOATANCHORS-TEMPE] Wanted ARC-5 RF Current Meter

I have a 10 amp RF current meter I would like to try.  Is the meter just
put in line with the RF path?  What sort of Power out would max at 10
amps. Tnx...

JR Linden   K7PUR

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