unknown signal generator model number

Richard VT kc8keg at MEI.NET
Thu Dec 1 23:21:34 EST 2005

Hello All, Sorry for being a bit off-topic. Looking for an older signal gener-
ator that may have been military. It operated from 10khz? to over 900
mhz. The manufacturer may have been Hickok or Boonton. It measued
about 9 to 10 inches wide by 9 to 10 inches deep by 14 to16 inches tall.
It was grey or maybe a dark off green. My description is likely poor but
that is the best that I can offer right now. Looking for make and model no
of generator,at least, and maybe even someone that may have one for 
sale. Thanks in advance, Richard VT   <kc8keg at mei.net>

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