Drake and Bird FS

Rinkie & Ron Pollack rinkies at ADELPHIA.NET
Wed Dec 14 21:41:19 EST 2005

I'll offer these here first:

Very nice Bird 43 Watt meter, with clean manual.  3 Modules:  100C (100-250
MHz 100W), 100D (200-500 MHz 100W), 50D (200-500 MHz 50W)  Works with 100C
module, but I have no way to check the 200+MHz. Have no reason to believe
they would not also be fine.
$200 plus shipping from Southern California.   Offers considered.

Drake MN2000 Tuner/SWR Bridge/Wattmeter.  Nice panel.  Repainted cabinet.
Works fine.  Has had a miniature toggle switch and 2 small neon bulbs
mounted in top left corner of panel, and a couple of sockets on rear panel.
$200 plus shipping or trade for legal limit tuner that will tune balanced
line.  Offers considered.

Ron K2RP

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