FS: Swan 350C Station

Brian Carling bcarling at CFL.RR.COM
Thu Feb 24 07:36:59 EST 2005

SWAN 350C HF Transceiver - Excellent condition 
With AC AND DC Supplies. This HF transceiver from 
the good old tube days, 
Covers 80m through 10m SSB and CW and packs a 
powerful 200 watts OUTPUT. 
This is a very nice looking Swan 350C - comes with 
the original manual. 
and all cables. 
The inside looks as good as the outside. Very 
clean and is fully operational. 
The 117XC also looks totally superb. Came from the 
original owner. 
Comes with the manual and all AC-DC cables etc. 

Swan 350C available for $250.00 plus shipping. 
Swan 117XC Power Supply/Speaker cabinet $99.00 
plus shipping.
Swan DC Power Supply available with above for 
$35.00 plus shipping.

All of the above for $365.00 plus shipping. 

Pictures and details at:


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