Heath DX-35 / DX-40 crystal door and DX-20 / HX-11 crystal hole plugs

Glen Zook gzook at YAHOO.COM
Thu Oct 20 14:11:38 EDT 2005

I am going to have to increase the price of the
replacement doors for that go on the back of the DX-35
and DX-40 transmitters to cover the crystal sockets.

For the next 10 days they will remain at the $11.50
postpaid CONUS (except for Texas), $13.50 (US) for
Canada, and $12.33 for Texas residents (includes sales
tax).  Effective 1 November 2005 the prices will go to
$13.50 postpaid CONUS, $15.50 (US) for Canada, and
$14.61 including sales tax for Texas residents.

For the DX-20 / HX-11 crystal hole plugs (less the
plastic knobs) for the painted version the prices will
increase to

$18.00 postpaid CONUS (except for Texas), $20.00 (US)
postpaid Canada, and $19.49 including sales tax for
Texas residents.

For the unpainted versions, again less the plastic
knob, the prices will increase to

$16.00 postpaid CONUS (except for Texas), $18.00 (US)
postpaid Canada, and $17.32 including sales tax for
Texas residents.

Until 1 November 2005 I will adhere to the prices that
are on the Zcomco website the URL of which follows my
signature.  The link is the 3rd from the top of the list.

Glen, K9STH

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