[Boatanchors] Xtals & ICM

Robert Peters rwpeters at SWBELL.NET
Thu Aug 17 19:05:51 EDT 2006

Hi Guys...I have had the absolute best luck with Peterson Crystals  They
are very quick and postage is $3.50 for one or 20 ..He cuts what you
want when you want...Do not have to send him a penny till you get the
crystals...Works by e mail only..

Jjk51503 at aol.com  Do not remember his name...He was the original crystal
cutter for Peterson... Does not have FT-243 holders but has the pins and
spacing for all...Been using him for years...

Bob W1PE
-----Original Message-----
From: boatanchors-bounces at mailman.qth.net
[mailto:boatanchors-bounces at mailman.qth.net] On Behalf Of James A.
(Andy) Moorer
Sent: Thursday, August 17, 2006 5:29 PM
To: telegrapher at att.net; Boatanchors at mailman.qth.net
Subject: Re: [Boatanchors] Xtals & ICM

I never had any luck with International. Very snooty.

I have used JAN crystals and MH Electronics and have been very happy
the results:

http://www.jancrystals.com/ http://www.mhelectronics.com/index.shtml

James A. (Andy) Moorer

----- Original Message ----- 

>I sent an email to International Xtals from their website about 10 days
>back asking for a quote on 3 crystals.  Have not to date received a
>Do any of you folks do business with them and had better results?  I
>some xtals in HC-6 style holders.  If they can't respond to their web
>correspondence, well maybe someone else want's my business.  I've
>from them in the years past but maybe they don't feel amateur radio 
>business is profitable enough to warrant the work anymore due to our
>of ordering in very small quantities.
> Larry

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