LM Picard lmpicard at ALLSTREAM.NET
Sun Feb 19 17:26:07 EST 2006

The ARRL should address the issue of HF band plans in a realistic 
fashion.  I suggest that they monitor actual usage of the HF bands and 
re-apportion them according to need. 

It appears to me that voice modes are the most popular and this includes 
AM.  AM is never again going to be in widespread use and a small segment 
set aside for its use will not harm anyone. 

Technology has come a long way and digital modes can be accomplished 
with less band occupancy than in the past.  Fair and appropriate 
re-allocation of the HF bands favoring voice modes is needed. 

The rule that comms should be carried out with the least amount of 
bandwidth required (for any given mode) should be more strictly enforced. 

rayfri wrote:

> OH YEA!!   lets not forget one other great and fantastic decision the 
> FCC ruled on after "asking" for our public comment and giving it 
> deliberate and thoughtful consideration...
> Those beautiful 5 mhz "channels" we got after an almost resounding 
> request in favor of a band segment instead of "CB type channels" that 
> we got... with permission to use about the same amount of power that 
> you can use on the CB band too....
> Our opinion REALLY swayed some minds in the bureau didnt it?
> Ray  WA7ITZ 

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