FS: GONSET G-66b/G77a Twins w/PS's Etc. & G-77 Mod/PS

doc kd4e at VERIZON.NET
Sun Feb 26 23:20:39 EST 2006

I have agreed to buy a nice condition refurbished
Gonset G-76.  Easier to maintain and 80-6M  :-)

I need to sell some stuff to pay for it!

GONSET G-66b/G-77a Twins complete with the
hard to find AC & DC Modulator/Power Supply
for the G-77a and the matching power supply
for the G-66b, and a matching speaker for
the G66b.

(Includes manuals and schematics. No cables
so not tested but do have one of the two 12-pin
connectors required for the G77a.  The G-66b plugs
directly into it's matching power supply unit.
Will provide detailed pictures, inside and out,
of any of the equipment on request)

Asking $275. plus actual shipping

OR, separately ...

G-66b 10-160M AM/CW/SSB Mobile Receiver
w/matching Power Supply unit & matching Speaker.
Includes Original Manual.  Untested.  Looks good.
Asking $125.

G-77a  80-10M AM/CW 60W Mobile Transmitter.
Includes Original Manual for G-77a & 3201 (below).
Is untested but looks good.
Asking $125.

G-77a  Model 3201 AC/DC Modulator & Power Supply.
Includes copy of schematic.  Untested, looks good.
Asking $125.


Also, my spare supply ...

Gonset G-77 Model 3117 DC Modulator/Power Supply.

(DC model.  Has 6v vibrator but may be changed
to 12v or one may gut the 6v vibrator and make it
solid state or purchase a solid state replacement.
Is untested, appears complete. Includes copy of
schematic for similar 3201 mod/ps.)

Asking $75. plus actual shipping.


I *may* have my spare G-77 for sale in a week or
so.  It depends if it sells on ebay or not.

It is not as nice cosmetically as my G-77a and
it is the original G-77 (not the "a" model).
It will also include copy of G-77a schematic,
is untested, appears complete.


Will post Pictures of Everything here tonight:

73, doc kd4e

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