NC 270 VFO and product detector

Joseph Trombino Jr w2kj at BELLSOUTH.NET
Sat Jan 28 13:27:53 EST 2006

Hello Boatanchorer's

Just picked up an NC 270 receiver and will do a re-alignment on it when I 
get a copy of the manual (on its way).

I notice that when receiving strong SSB sigs the receiver audio distorts and 
I have to turn down the RF gain to make the signal readable.

I thought product detectors eliminated this this the 
typical behavior of the NC 270 or do I have a problem???

Also, does anyone know the range of the VFO in this receiver???  The dial 
calibration is off so I would want to align the VFO to the proper range.

Many thanks for any info anyone can provide.

                                    73, Joe W2KJ 

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