GB> Northern Radio Frequency Shift Keyer?

kd4e kd4e at VERIZON.NET
Thu Jun 22 06:31:38 EDT 2006

It was with a Northern Radio Variable Master Oscillator so
I suppose it may have been used the same way.

I would not be using it for TTY and other modes and
would prefer someone else do so rather than taking
it apart.

It is probably too heavy to ship so would need a home
here in the Tampa Bay area.

73, doc kd4e

> Last one I saw was used with a TMC Frequency Generator, (read
> that, HF VFO).  It was a bay mounted unit, but was extremely
> stable and worked hard, day and night.  We used it for FSK
> (TTY) service with Marsgrams out of SE Asia (Phillippines)
> for the two years I was stationed there.  Think I changed
> out one tube in that entire stretch.
> This unit drove a dual 4-1000A amp that gave us right at
> 3.5 kw into a log periodic up about 100 feet.  This was
> our outlink to Okinawa for TTY and CW traffic.  The feedline
> was RG-8 and it was hot most of the time, only arced once,
> but that burnt it down.
> I wouldnt trash it unless you are not interested in TTY
> or other modes.  You can key it with a voltage shift, Plus
> or Minus, or just a loop closure on a 60 mil feed from your
> local supply.
>> Anyone familiar with the Northern Radio Frequency Shift Keyer?
>> Model 4A.
>> I have come into possession of one and doubt it will see
>> any use here.  Is it valued by anyone or merely an
>> interesting parts source?


Thanks! & 73, doc kd4e

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