NEED KNIGHT INFO PLEASE -- TR-106 Different Wiring

kd4e kd4e at VERIZON.NET
Wed Jun 28 09:55:02 EDT 2006

> For AC operation: 
> connect a jumper from pin 5 to 9
> AC connected to pins 4 and 6

Just a heads-up, the pin-out description does not
match the actual wiring of the chassis connector.

We don't know if it is due to mods, more than one
manufactured version of the rig, or what.

Does anyone know if the TR-106 used differing
wiring schemes?

The connector wiring is complex because it serves
both 12VDC and 120VAC power sources and runs to
two different fuses, two different sides of the
same transformer, and to a switch.

We will have to find a readable image of the
original manual if we are to solve this.  (The
rest of the BAMA manual seems OK, just the power
connector area is impossibly washed out.  Sigh.)

Thank you again for your assistance!


Thanks! & 73, doc kd4e

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