National NC-125 receiver and matching NC-125TS speaker for sale

Larry Knapp kc8jx at YAHOO.COM
Tue May 9 10:37:31 EDT 2006

National NC-125 receiver and matching NC-125TS speaker for sale.  This is a general coverage
shortwave receiver with the Select-O-Ject circuit.  Covers 550 khz. - 36 mhz. AM, CW reception. 
Has S-meter. AVC, ANL, ant. trimmer. Variable CW pitch control. Separate R.F. and audio gain
controls. Volt. reg., stabilized oscillator. Includes spare tubes: 6H6, 6SB7Y, 6SG7, 6SL7GT. 
Also, a TV balun with coax adaptor.  Receiver is in very good operating condition, taken out of
service this past fall; has a few scratches on the case; the S-meter glass cover is broken at the
lower right side.  Have a manual copy.  Will sell for $150 for the pair (Receiver and speaker). 
Can deliver to Dayton Hamvention.

Contact via kc8jx at
73, Larry KC8JX

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