12BD6 Tube

Robert Moulton rmoulton at EMAIL.ARIZONA.EDU
Wed May 17 10:09:09 EDT 2006

Does anyone know whether a 12BD6 is a direct replacement of a 12BA6?

I recently found one in place of the 12BA6 in a Hallicrafters S-38E I 
am working on. The replacement was an RCA tube. All the info I have, 
which is limited, shows that they are similar but not a direct 
replacement. I am currently borrowing a tube from another radio for 
testing and will probably put in a 12BA6 anyway, but was just curious 
for future reference.

I also have an Eico 950B Resistance-Capacitance-Comparator Bridge for 
sale. I recently acquired a Sprague TCA-1 and need to make some more 
room. Comes w/ the original manual and is in working condition w/ all 
original parts. I cleaned it and tested the 2 tubes. $25/OBO  plus 
shipping to good home.


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