FS: Command Set Gear

kd4e kd4e at VERIZON.NET
Thu Nov 2 07:15:48 EST 2006

Asking $155. for all 7 items, plus actual shipping.

BC-696A Transmitter
3.0-4.0 MHz, Transmitters use four tubes: 1626 oscillator,
two 1625 finals, and 1629 magic-eye tuning. Internal VFO.
(Untested, no obvious hacks, tubes present, no xtal, good

BC-696A Transmitter
From: http://www.nj7p.org/millist/m13.html
3.0-4.0 MHz, Transmitters use four tubes: 1626 oscillator,
two 1625 finals, and 1629 magic-eye tuning. Internal VFO.
(Untested, no obvious hacks, tubes present, no xtal, good

BC-454B Receiver.
3.0-6.0MHz, IF 1415KHz, 6-tubes, VFO, 28VDC Receivers all
use the same 6-tube superhet design: r.f. amplifier (12SK7),
converter (12K8), two i.f. stages (two 12SK7's, or 12SK7/12SF7), 
detector/bfo (12SR7) one audio stages (12A6)
(Untested, 4.5" x 4.5" door on top missing - easily fabricated,
On-Off switch on the bottom front, interconnect wiring exposed
on rear deck, tubes and other key elements are marked on case
and interior chassis in pencil, tubes present, good condition.)

Signal Corps Single Transmitter Rack FT-234-A
(Untested, good condition, includes connector interface box on
rear, no obvious hacks.)

Zenith DM-65A 12V - 400V Dynamotor
(Untested, no obvious hacks, good condition.)

T-17-D Microphone (needs connector).
(Untested, no obvious hacks, needs connector, good condition.)

Unlabeled metal speaker, may be military, may be Gonset.
(Untested, good condition.)

Some device features quoted from:

Pictures at:  http://bibleseven.com/swapn.html

Additional specific descriptions and pictures on request.


Thanks! & 73,
doc, KD4E
... somewhere in FL
URL:  bibleseven (dot) com

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