
Brian Carling bcarling at CFL.RR.COM
Fri Sep 8 09:32:34 EDT 2006

I thought some of you SWL enthusiasts might enjoy 
listening for this unusual station. Look what rigs they are using!
A Johnson Valiant and a Knight T150, he he!


Greetings, Pirate Radio Fans!

The pirate radio station 'The Crystal Ship',  ("The Official Radio 
Voice of The Blue States Republic"), whose first pirate radio career 
spanned the years 1982-1984 (see Andrew Yoder's books on "Pirate 
Radio stations" chapter on 'Political Pirates'), remains active again 
since September 2004, twenty years after their last activity...

As of this posting on 9/7/06, we are active on 6,875 kHz on selected 
Sunday evenings and random weeknights.  Generally we are not able to 
broadcast on Friday/Saturday evenings, but may occasionally work that 
out too.  Hours of operation are usually -2/+2 hours from local 
sunset in the Great Lakes region, currently anytime from 2230-0230 
UTC, on 43 meters.

Our alternate 43 meter frequency is 6,854 kHz, but that will only be 
used if 'the religious powerhouse'  (WEWN?) again takes up residence 
on 6875 this winter.

We also plan to use 90 meter frequencies extensively this winter 2006-
2007, most likely 3237kHz or 3275 kHz, +/- 1kHz.  Operations in that 
band, come winter, will run many hours well beyond local sunset in 
Eastern North America, possibly as late as 0400-0500 UTC in 
December/January 07. Schedules in all bands will shift depending on 
the current hours of darkness.

We often send Email notices about pending transmissions. 
If you would like to receive Emailed notices about transmissions and 
current frequencies, please ask to join our Email list.  Requests to 
join our list should be Emailed  to tcsshortwave at gmail.com

Our transmitters include two Johnson Viking Valiants with AM carrier 
power outputs of 150-170 watts, a Johnson Viking 2 with 100+ watts 
(all plate modulated), and a now mostly unused but majestic in its 
history Knight T-150A with 100+ watts screen-grid modulation, (same 
model we used in the '80s).  Antennas currently in use are dipoles 
for 43 meters and 90 meters.  We use a variety of MFJ antenna tuners 
to keep the SWR at transmitter close to 1.1:1, regardless of 
frequency used.

QSL requests are honored via emailed reports at tcsshortwave at yahoo.com

Snail-mailed reports should be sent to:
The Crystal Ship
P.O. Box 1
Belfast, NY 14711

Since 2004, we also have confirmed reports from Venezuela and an mp3 
audio report from eastern France, so our reach on shortwave may 
extend beyond North America when conditions are favorable.

Strictly for the sake of our "DX fans", we hope to make some 
transmissions on 1710 kHz AM this winter.... if we get a suitable 
antenna erected before winter. To be notified of any such 
transmissions, you must be on our Email list.  (See above).

73s and FIGHT for FREE RADIO!

The Poet, aka John Poet
The Crystal Ship
tcsshortwave at yahoo.com

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