Microphone for Heath HW-101

Glen Zook gzook at YAHOO.COM
Sat Apr 21 13:04:56 EDT 2007

I have put a notice on the various Heath reflectors
and on the various boat anchor reflectors outlining
your need.

Glen, K9STH

--- roller <roller at comtech-data.se> wrote:

ELECTRO-VOICE EV-638 MICROPHONE  is the one i am
looking for...

From: "Glen Zook" <gzook at yahoo.com>

Heathkit really didn't have a microphone that actually
came with most of their equipment except for the VHF

The photo in the manual just shows a microphone that
was available from them as well as from outside
sources.  Heath did sell microphones including the
HDP-21, HDP-21A, and HDP-121 which were made by
Electrovoice which was located in Buchanan, Michigan,
about 40 miles from the Heath plant in St. Joseph,
Michigan (the mailing address was Benton Harbor,
Michigan, but the actual manufacturing plant was in
St. Joseph, Michigan, on the south side of Benton
Harbor) that were generally accepted as being
"matched" to the HW and SB-Line SSB equipment.

The HDP-21 was actually the Electrovoice model 637,
the HDP-21A was the model 638, and the HDP-121 was the
model 619.  These microphones were generally purchased
from Electrovioce distributors and not from Heath.

Heath also sold the HDP-242 which was made by Astatic
(same manufacturer of the D-104) and the HDP-444 which
was made by Shure.
Glen, K9STH

 --- roller <roller at comtech-data.se> wrote:

there is a picture in my hw101 manual on a nice table
microfon that i guess is the orginal table mic for
it.or am i wrong?

Glen, K9STH

Website:  http://k9sth.com

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