Mike Tyler
Wed Aug 1 17:52:24 EDT 2007
I have the following for sale:AEA-PK232MBX $75.00
Ameco PT-3 RF preamp $75.00, PCL-P RF preamp #35.00, TX-62 $50.00, VFO621
Antennas: 20 Meter beams, 40 meter 2 element, verticals call for price.
Autek QF-1 25.00, QF-1A $35.00.
Drake 2A rx and 2ABQ $275.00, phone patch $25.00.
Dentron MT-2000 Ant Tuner $200.00.
Eico 720 transmitter $75.00, 722 VFO $125.00, 730 Mod $200.00
Globe/wrl Globe Scout 680 $50.00, VHF6&2 AM Tx $75.00 and VFO $75.00, Globe
chief deluxe $75.00. 6 meter FVO $50.00, FCL-1 Mic pre-amp $30.00, Galaxy
power supply $75.00.
Gonset: Comm 1,2,3,4,$35.00 vfo's $50.00 twins $50.00 EACH, commander
transmitter &vfo $75.00, G-50's $125.00, 500watt 2 meter rf amp $250.00, 2 AND 6
Meter sidewinders $100.00 sidewinder pwr supply $50.00
HP VTVM 410B $75.00 and 410C $125.00.
Heathkit: IM-11 VTVM w/ voltage and rf probes and manual $50.00, IT-12
Signal tracer $35.00, CM-1059 engibe anakyzer $25.00, HN-2102 2 meter watt meter
$50.00,HD-1416 code osc. $25.00,HW-29 sixer $45.00, HW-30 twoer $45.00, AM-2
SWR bridge $10.00, HD-16 code osc. $25.00 HM-102 HF wattmeter $35.00, SET TX-1
knobs $35.00, Set transformers TX-1 $150.00, Hp23 power supply $50.00 ,
54-874 SB230 power trans. $75.00, 54-73 VHF-1 power trans. $50.00.
Johnson: 6&2 meter converters $25.00, 6&2 meter tx and vfo &125.00.
Kenwood: DG-5 dig. readout with manual no cable. $100.00, TV502 2 mtr
transverter $75.00, TV506 6 meter transverter $75.00
National NC100 rx parts or restore with spkr $125.00.
Parks 2 meter nuvistor preamp $35.00
PRC-25 Military hand held with mic. antenna batts. $125.00. 6-meters
polycomm: 2, mtr, 6 meter, and 6&2 meter @$50.00.
Power mate 12vdc 60 amp powersupplies @75.00
Radio shack SDP-40 dsp unit $35.00
Rotator control heads $75.00
RF attenuators: Jerrold AV-50R 50 ohm $50.00, Rhodes/Schwartz 0-200khx 50
OHM 0-140DB. $75.00
SPEAKERS: 2 small cube hammarlund @ $45.00, national grey cube $50.00,
national black cube $50.00
Swan 250 6 meter transceiver, with vfo, wn6200 watt meter 117XC pwr sup.
TV-2 2 meter transverter, vx1, vx2 ns-1 $300.00 for all will split.
URM-120 watt meter with 3 plugin units $125.00
Zenith transoceanics 500 and 600 @$50.00 plus 1 3000-1 $85.00.
All prices plus shipping from 92392.
call Mike at 760-948-2612 or email at _k6stu at sol.com_ (mailto:k6stu at
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