UPS and USPS - WAS: Re: UPS abuse, FT990 Problems..

Todd, KA1KAQ ka1kaq at GMAIL.COM
Mon Dec 10 10:31:53 EST 2007

On Dec 9, 2007 4:57 PM, Bry Carling <bcarling at> wrote:

> Moral: Do NOT ship antiques via UPS, if you expect a reasonable
> chance of survival.

Same can be said for any and all carriers. I was recently nailed by
FedEx, others have had bad luck with them, UPS, USPS, etc. Proper
packing is always the best bet, but when it's your turn, nothing will
save you. A forklift will go through the side of a hard case, wooden
crate, etc. like a hot knife through butter.

If it's an item that really can't be replaced, find an alternative
route like Greyhound bus lines or work out having the item delivered
by hand (AMers have their version of the Pony Express, sending items
along with someone known to be traveling to/from the area).

The law of averages will catch up with anyone who does a lot of
shipping, regardless of how well the item is packed.

~ Todd,  KA1KAQ

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