FS: Books

BSugarberg bsugarberg at CORE.COM
Sat Jan 13 21:26:01 EST 2007


I have the following for sale:

"The Test Equipment Data Handbook (T.E.D. Handbook)" by the Frederick
Research Corporation, Bathesda, Maryland.  (The date would be the early 1960s).

"Frederick Research Corporation has compiled a series of volumes which
contain test equipment descriptions.  The items described are primarily
those used by government agencies and contractors."

"This research was supported by the USAF under contract AF 33(038)12897,
and monitored by the Wright Air Development Center, ARDC."

Volume 1 - Voltage And Current Measuring Equipment

Volume 2 - Frequency Measuring Equipment

Volume 3 - Waveform Measuring And/Or Analyzing Equipment

Volume 4 - Signal Generating Equipment

$95.00 + shipping.
"United States Army Training Center - Armor", Fort Knox, Kentucky.
Fifth Training Brigade, Seventeenth Battalion, Company D. (Yearbook).
(28 October 1968 - 20 December 1968).  The "Radio Operators Course",
and the "Radio Teletype Operators Course" (at Fort Gordon, Georgia),
are briefly mentioned.  $10.00 + shipping.
"Aids To War-Time Servicing" by Sylvania Electric Products Inc.,
Eporium, Penna. 1945.


Circuit Modifications Requiring Additional Resistors
Substitution Chart For Battery Tube Types
Substitution Chart For 150 Ma. Tube Types
Substitution Chart For 300 Ma. Tube Types
Substitution Chart For Transformer And Auto Sets
Frequently Needed Change Over Diagrams

$10.00 + shipping.
"Troubleshooter's Handbook For Mechanical Systems" by Robert Emerick,
McGraw-Hill, 1969.  510 pages.  $10.00 + shipping.  Has a section on
electric motors.  (Covers everything from diesel engines to steam boilers).

Thank you,

Bruce WA8TNC

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