FS: IF Transformers and Inductors

Bry Carling bcarling at CFL.RR.COM
Wed Jun 6 07:49:23 EDT 2007

FOR SALE: (group of 3 inductors)

I.F. Transformer - marked "T-5" - tunable 455 kHz metal can in 
great shape. Has two tuning holes on top to access C65 and C66
air trimmers.  2-3/4" tall - excellent shape.

Miller 6164 wave trap - looks like an i.f. transformer but two 
terminals. For 75-150 Mc.

UTC HVC8 - new in box. This is a small mil. spec. 8 Henry 
variable choke. Adjustable from 1.2 H to 8 H.

Will sell all three for $11.00 plus 7.00 shipping.

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