EF Johnson Viking I - to be parted out.

Bob and Bettina Groh rgroh at SWBELL.NET
Wed Jun 6 12:52:24 EDT 2007

I am (very reluctantly) considering parting out the EFJ Viking I that I have. I 
have tried to sell it but no interest (at least at any reasonable price) and it 
would certainly be a bear to ship. So parting it out seems like the only way to go.

The Viking is essentially complete minus the case and some of the RF shielding.
The front panel has one extra hole and the paint is flaking off. Everything else 
is there and seems to be in good shape - knobs, tank circuits, transformers 
(power and modulation), tubes, etc.

So if you have need some Viking I parts for your restoration efforts, please 
email me directly at < rgroh at swbell.net > with your list of needs. I will email 
you back an acknowledgment and then start a list. When I get some time to start 
the demo job, I will get back in charge with people and nail things down a bit more.

Thanks for reading this far.

Blue Springs, MO. 64014

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