Anyone used a 8.4 for 6M Xtal in a AF-68?

kd4e doc at KD4E.COM
Sat Oct 27 21:19:10 EDT 2007

Thanks Glen!  That is great news!

Will edit my manual copy and pass the info on.

Now I wonder if I should consider cutting a small hinged
door in the case for easy access to the AF-68 crystal
socket or bring the socket out to the side ... hmmm.

Would be nice to have my favorite AM Net freqs crystaled
on the AF-67 and the AF-68.

I am guessing that 6M drift is a nuisance on the AF-68.

> There is a misprint in the manual!  To get 6 meters
> using an 8 MHz crystal you start at 8.3333 MHz and go
> to 9.0 MHz.  An 8.4 MHz crystal is going to come out
> on the AM "calling frequency" of 50.400 MHz.  50.0 MHz
> divided by 6 comes out to 8.3333 MHz and 54.0 MHz
> divided by 6 comes out to 9.000 MHz.  8.5 MHz times 6
> comes out to 51.0 MHz. 12.5 MHz times 4 comes out to
> 50.0 MHz.
> Glen, K9STH
> --- kd4e <doc at KD4E.COM> wrote:
> Anyone used a 8.4MHz for a 6M Xtal in a AF-68?
> The manual specifies 8.5-9 or 12.5-13.5 xtals for 6m
> crystals?


Thanks! & 73, doc, KD4E

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