10/11 meter amps-my 2cents

Sat Sep 22 17:07:34 EDT 2007

Amen Brother. Amen

On Sat, 2007-09-22 at 14:24 -0500, Rick Brashear wrote:
> DITTO! Glen and Bry.  I've been a ham radio operator since 1962 and Q
> signals have always been used as has "skip" and "handle".  If anyone wants
> to complain about what should and should not be used on HF then complain
> about the "trash mouth's" and their vulgar use of four letter words.  This
> is what's a crime, not "Q" signals.
> 73,
> Rick/K5IAR
> There have been certain "Q" signals used on phone
> since at least before World War II.
> Those include "QRM" meaning interference, "QRN"
> meaning basically static, "QSL" when referring to that
> post card sent to confirm a contact, "QTH" meaning
> one's location, and "QSB" meaning fading of a signal.
> Now I agree that there are certain amateur radio
> operators who definitely either over-use or misuse "Q"
> signals on phone.  For example, those who say "QSL"
> repeating everything that was said by the other
> operator(s).  But, certain "Q" signals have been part
> of amateur radio "jargon" for going on a century.
> I have been licensed continuously since 15 May 1959
> and, frankly, I have used "Q" signals like QRM, QRN,
> QSB, QTH, and QSL for my entire amateur radio life.
> Now there are certain "terms" that many newcomers seem
> to think have come from the "CB" ranks including
> "handle, skip, and base station".  Frankly, "handle"
> (meaning one's name) was "stolen" from amateur radio
> operators by the "CBers".  However, amateur radio
> operators "stole" the term from the old landline
> telegraphers who, in turn, "stole" it from the cowboys
> (cowpunchers, cowhands, etc.) of the old south and
> southwest who have been documented as using the term
> back at least as far as the 1830s.
> "Skip" was used to describe the phenonomen of radio
> frequency propagation by amateur radio operators and
> commercial radio operators back in at least the late
> 1920s.  Just look at any ARRL Amateur Radio Operator's
> Handbook from pre-World War II for the term "skip".
> "Base station" was used by the commercial two-way
> industry before World War II to describe a fixed
> station.  Amateur radio operators who were operating
> using the old commercial surplus FM (actually mostly
> PM in modulation) equipment that became available in
> the mid to late 1950s "stole" that term from the
> commercial operators.  Now days many amateur radio
> operators use that term to describe any fixed station.
>  However, there are some people who really get "bent
> out of shape" when they hear an amateur radio operator
> use the term.  As for myself, since my background is
> based in the commercial FM two-way arena, I really
> have to "think" before calling any FM fixed station
> anything but a "base station" and that includes my 10
> meter FM, 6 meter FM, 222 MHz FM, and 440 MHz FM
> stations.  Now I don't refer to my CW, SSB, AM, etc.,
> fixed stations as "base stations" but I definitely do
> NOT get "bent out of shape" when I hear someone else
> refer to such equipment as their "base station".
> Again, "Q" signals have been used on amateur radio
> phone operation since phone type operation has been in
> effect.  Now I do agree that there are certain amateur
> radio operators who definitely "abuse" them, but at
> least for those which have been used for decades I see
> nothing wrong at all.
> Glen, K9STH
> --- Bry Carling <bcarling at CFL.RR.COM> wrote:
> Also help them stop saying "Q" signals on voice,
> WHY? Take this comment with a pinch of salt, but...
> There is absolutely nothing wrong, illegal or
> unethical about using  Q signals on voice, for crying
> out loud.
> Glen, K9STH
> Website:  http://k9sth.com
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Mike Sanders
18169 Highway 174
Mount Vernon, MO 65712
k0az at k0az.com

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