It looks like Heathkit manuals are no longer available for download on BAMA or any other sites. Copyright issues.
johnmb at NC.RR.COM
Sat Dec 13 21:33:08 EST 2008
---- LEE BAHR <pulsarxp at EMBARQMAIL.COM> wrote:
> Because he wants to change how you and I do business and maybe he has no
> rights to do this.
You mean stealing them, or taking someone elses property for free? BAMA did NOT have the rights to distribute what they did. He BOUGHT THE RIGHTS TO THOSE MANUALS, not you, and not BAMA.
It's incredible that people get indignant because they can no longer get free access to something that did not belong to them.
Nobody on this list forked up the bucks to take the business risk to buy these manuals, and if they did, I doubt they'd provide a public service to distribute them free of charge.
I think it's sad that people think it's their God given right to get something free, and demonize someone who puts up his own bucks to start a business.
John K5MO
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