HELP AND ADVICE on a Wide Band 1.8-30 mhz Preamps

Chris boatanchors at PEOPLEPC.COM
Thu Feb 7 22:30:34 EST 2008

Hello to the Group

 I am not sure if the Boatanchor group is the appropriate place for this posting and I apologize if it doesn't belong here,

 My question is about Wide Band Preamps for 1.8-30 MHz...I have tried the Ameco PT-2 and to be honest all it does is just increase the noise over the signal, I want to get a good preamp to use but want something that is not going to just increase the noise which in the long run just covers up the signal you are wanting to listen to, Can any one help with tips or advice on a good preamp that wont break the bank that would be worth while that has a low noise figure but good signal gain...Thanks again for everyone here on the Boatanchor Group...Thanks Chris

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