[Johnson] B-24 last Thursday night on 75 & 160m AM

Todd, KA1KAQ ka1kaq at GMAIL.COM
Mon Feb 25 10:53:15 EST 2008

On Sun, Feb 24, 2008 at 9:30 AM, Bry Carling <bcarling at cfl.rr.com> wrote:
> What a pity we didn't get the word out about this to the regulars on
>  3880 and 1985 kHz on Thursday night! They could have been
>  persuaded to stand by and listen for the AM station aboard the B-
>  24.
>  Did any of you work him???

Seems it didn't take place until the weekend, if then:

"For those of you who may be wondering where we were today in the B-24
and why we weren't on the air; To make a long story short, the plane
lost it's #4 engine in some sort of FAA Pilot certification test so
the actual flight didn't take place. They are replacing the engine now
and we could be on the air as early as Saturday morning but afternoon
is more likely. Cant say for sure, but I will post something here if I
have the chance. Just look for us anytime you can on 7.290 AM phone.


The 75m AM Ghetto area is the last place I'd try to work them, for the
obvious reasons. Down there in 4 Land I can't believe they'd hear much
beyond noise, especially at altitude.

~ Todd,  KA1KAQ

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