Large estate collection at Charlotte Conference Auction

Ron Lawrence kc4yoy kc4yoy at CAROLINA.RR.COM
Sun Mar 9 15:02:05 EDT 2008

I learned this past week that Tim Buehlmann W4TIM,ex N4IQA of Raleigh NC 
passed away last month.
Two of his friends are helping the family dispose of Tim's amazing
collection of rare early radio gear.
They are bringing the collection to the Charlotte Antique Radio 
Conference to sell. Some of the lesser items will be offered in the flea 
on Friday morning. the rarer high end item will be consigned to the 
auction that will take place Friday afternoon.
There are a number of pieces of early amateur radio equipment, spark 
transmitters, tube transmitters, early receivers and a bunch of early 
rare tubes. I understand that there are a number of spherical audions, 2 
"P" Pilotrons, plus a lot of other collectible tubes.

I have been told to expect an inventory list and photos of the collection
that I will put on the clubs web.

As soon as more is known I will post the updates.

This may be a once in a life time chance to buy some truly rare 
If you haven't made plans yet to attend the Conference, you might want 
to do so.
The Sheraton still has rooms available at the Conference rate of $83 a 

Pre-registration forms and a Conference brochure are there for you on 
the conference web page.
If you have any questions, let me know.
The show is just 10 days away. You  need to get your per-registrations
in ASAP. The pre-registration has been extended to allow for late 
due to lateness of this news.

See ya soon,

Ron Lawrence W4RON
CC-AWA President & Conference Chairman

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