Twinax connectors and tools FS

Michael Tortorella w2iy at VERIZON.NET
Sun Nov 30 20:04:00 EST 2008

G'day all, there was a time when I thought I was going to buy a R-390 but
alas it's too heavy for me now.  I have some Twinax connectors and tools
that are now surplus to my needs.  The lot includes 6 box-mount receptacles
(UHF style), 1 cable-mount male plug (UHF style), 3 cable-mount male plugs
(N style), 1 barrel (double female) adapter (N style), 1 Dataline cable prep
tool (stripper and guide), and a heavy-duty crimp tool for crimp connectors
(I think this could also be used on regular N and UHF crimp connectors too).
Would like to sell the whole lot, $45 postpaid lower 48 takes it.  Thanks
for the BW and 73 to all,

Mike W2IY


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