Gonset G-43 (& broken dial glass in general)

Robert Groh rgroh at SWBELL.NET
Thu Dec 17 12:49:58 EST 2009

There is another way to handle a broken dial glass - you could print (e.g. using a laser printer) onto a piece of transparent (thin - like paper) plastic.  You then glue or mechanically hold the plastic piece to a piece of regular glass. 

There was a gentleman on Ebay who was selling replacement dials for 75A-1's done this way.  It was actually not a replacement dial but rather, as mentioned, just a printed plastic overlay. I bought one for my 'ruined' dial but have not yet implemented it.  I must admit that I don't think it looked all that neat!

You could also make a silk screen and print it. There is a lot of information on the web on the process and it is very do-able (for a hobbyist) this days.  Then you can sell them!  

I hate the idea of taking another radio and just using the dial glass.  I hate parting out radios (although I have done it - sigh).

Bob Groh, WA2CKY

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