need hickok meter

Bob Krassa bob at KRASSA.COM
Sat Jan 3 14:28:56 EST 2009

Paul wrote that he is  looking for a meter for a Hickok 605A tube tester, or
information about anyone who repairs/ rebuilds meter movements .

There is a really outstanding description of restoration of a TV-7 at
tauration/TV-7-Restauration.htm .  However, you need to be able to read
German fairly well to understand it.  Dieter includes a detailed description
of rebuilding the meter.  My hands are no longer steady enough to do this
type of work.

Certainly many meters can be restored by simply substituing a movement of
equal or greater sensitivity with suitable shunt resistance, and printing a
new meter face. But there are other meters for which this is not
mechanically possible.

If anyone knows of a person who rebuilds meters, please respond to the list
as I am sure many of us would be interested.  Thanks!

73 Bob Krassa AC0JL

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