Halli HT-45 MkII A - Converted RA-87 Powr Supply?

kd4e doc at KD4E.COM
Fri Jul 24 21:50:12 EDT 2009

I have a Hallicrafters HT-45 Mark IIA Loudenboomer HF amp.

What a nice looking amp!

It came with a converted RA-87 "Rectifier" converted to serve
as the power supply.  There is no schematic and few other docs,
just some notes and a drawing re. the connections to the 
strip and a Millen HV connector.  There are some further notes:
"General Transformer Corporation and Army Mil-P-12780
CANC Notice 1 (or "7") Power Supplies"

Is anyone familiar with this power supply conversion, please?

I do have a copy of the HT-45 manual with the Halli PS docs.


Thanks! & 73, doc, KD4E
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