Heath LMO question

Glen Zook gzook at YAHOO.COM
Fri May 15 10:49:45 EDT 2009

Basically you need to clean out all of the old lubricant around the tuning shaft that has hardened over the years.  Replace it with a good quality lubricant preferably with some sort of electrical conduction in it.

What you are seeing is VERY common in the old LMOs.

Glen, K9STH

Website:  http://k9sth.com

--- On Thu, 5/14/09, hudlerb1 at netzero.com <hudlerb1 at NETZERO.COM> wrote:

Has anyone had success in repairing a noisy LMO (tube type) - that is "scuzzy" when turning the dial. I would believe that the variable cap inside has a lousy moving contact problem.
Never attempted one before, nothing to lose, I'll pull it apart and give it a go. Suggestions? We have an arsenal of contact cleaning stuff here.


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