More boatanchor goodies moved to Ebay

Robert Groh rgroh at SWBELL.NET
Wed Aug 4 21:17:06 EDT 2010

Continuing to clean out the hamshack - now moving what didn't sell on other 
venue's over to EBAY - if you are interested, please check them out.  

Hallicrafters S-38D    Ebay Item 160463095213
A nice and very complete unit.  Paint is a bit rough but everything is there.  
Would make a nice restoration unit and, frankly, if it doesn't sell that is what 
I am going to do (my original intent anyways).

Morris Coilmaster     Ebay Item 160464653723
A very neat item for winding your own coils - once a necessary part of any 
serious builder. Looks new even though it dates to 1972 (the date on the mailing 
box that it came in).

LV Power Supply Choke  Ebay Item 160464657167
A big ol' PS choke.  Came out of a homebrew ps for an ELMAC transmitter. 

Also selling some other parts more oriented toward the big amp builders.  Thanks 
for the bandwidth.

Bob Groh, WA2CKY

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