FS: FT243 7160 kHz AM band Crystals

Radios R. Me radios_r_me at YAHOO.COM
Sat Jul 24 20:33:33 EDT 2010

For Sale: 7160 kHz FT-243 crystals for AM

Now available on the popular AM "mid-band calling frequency..."

Also for 40m AM -
7155, 7156, 7159, 7165, 7167, 7170, 7172, 7173, 7174, 7175, 7176, 7177, 7179 kHz
7180, 7185, 7187, 7188, 7190, 7192, 7193, 7195, 7199, 7200, 7203, 7204, 7205 kHz
7206, 7206.7, 7207, 7209, 7211, 7212, 7213, 7214, 7215, 7217, 7220, 7221, 7222 
7224.4, 7225, 7226, 7229, 7232, 7233, 7237, 7238.9, 7240, 7241, 7242, 7243, 
7243.5 kHz
7243.7, 7246, 7248, 7249, 7250, 7252.5, 7255, 7256.25, 7258, 7260, 7262, 7273, 
7275 kHz
7279, 7280, 7281.5, 7285, 7286, 7287, 7288, 7289, 7290, 7291, 7293, 7295, 7297 
kHz etc.

(Some of these will make great multipliers onto 10m AM also...)

Many other FT243 crystals are available at:


Available for $14.00 each plus shipping.

73 & thanks for looking,

Brian, AF4K

FOR FASTER RESPONSE, Please use my main e-mail 
address:   af4k at hotmail.com

73 - Brian "Bry" Carling, AF4K

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