[Boatanchors] National Muting

Bob Peters rwpeters at swbell.net
Sat Apr 9 19:03:35 EDT 2011

Hi guys...All is a okk on the receiver muting on the NC270 and the 190..Went
with the B+ mute... By moving one wire on the switch the relay in the rear
is now the B+ 
Mute terminals...Operated NCS on the Traders Net this AM on AM and neither
receiver missed a mute...working perfect now. Thanks for ALL the help. Was
sure a lot of guys out there with lots of ideas... This 270 is a hot darn
receiver. Better than I ever expected. Really don't have room for the 196
but will find a place for it... Sure do wish that I could find a real
National speaker for it...Those are really hard to find... Anyone have one
F/S ???

Very Best 73's
Bob Peters


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