[Boatanchors] FW: Seen in a local ad: Navy TCS Radio

William Morton w_b_morton at hotmail.com
Sat Dec 31 22:21:04 EST 2011

Hello All,

Wishing you and yours a Happy New Year!

The Craigslist ad has been updated with pictures of the original item (not a picture from the web).  Follow this link:  http://minneapolis.craigslist.org/ram/ele/2775384061.html

Again, I am not affiliated with the owner or seller in any way.  Just thought someone out there may be interested.

Best Regards,


From: w_b_morton at hotmail.com
To: boatanchors at puck.nether.net
Subject: Seen in a local ad:  Navy TCS Radio
Date: Sat, 31 Dec 2011 03:14:25 +0000

Hello All,

Came across this today: http://minneapolis.craigslist.org/ram/ele/2775384061.html    Thought I would pass it along.  

Full disclosure:  I am not affiliated with the owner/seller in any way.  I would love to tinker with it, but my tinkering would render it useless and damaged beyond repair.  :)  Too bad there are no pictures of the real item, just one from the net.

Best Regards,


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