[Boatanchors] Feb 1964 CQ?

doc at kd4e.com doc at kd4e.com
Wed Feb 16 13:14:52 EST 2011

Thanks again to my fellow Hams I have a clean copy of the article.

I have been challenged to consider if modern SSB receivers, and
older AM receivers, can handle the signal produced by this circuit.

In theory it can be handled but may seem somewhat "odd".

Someone else questioned if this modulation is permitted, or if
any DSB is permitted.  As best I understand things DSB is AM with
suppressed carrier just as SSB is AM with suppressed carrier and
one sideband suppressed as well.  (Oversimplified.)

Has anyone had any hands-on experience with the DSB generated by
the method described in the Feb. 1964 CQ?


Thanks! & 73, KD4E
David Colburn http://kd4e.com
SE-GA Tailgate - April 9th, 2011
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