[Boatanchors] Receiver Technology

pmarkavage at juno.com pmarkavage at juno.com
Sun Jan 16 03:55:07 EST 2011

You can't get a subscription to QST but you can become a dues paying
member of the ARRL. QST is nothing more then the monthly membership
journal. Just like the bi-monthly AARP journal you get when you join the
AARP organization or the bi-monthly magazine you get when you join AAA.

Pete, wa2cwa

On Sat, 15 Jan 2011 17:05:24 -0500 "Dale Parfitt" <parinc1 at frontier.com>
>  My understanding is, and I'll be doing this as soon as my QST sub 
> expires, 
> subscribing to QEX w/o being an ARRL  member.
> Dale W4OP 

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