[Boatanchors] Administrative note to AOL.COM users

Majdi S. Abbas msa at latt.net
Thu Jan 20 02:14:32 EST 2011


	Since the list was migrated, we've run into one small issue, 
relating to mail delivery to AOL.COM addresses.

	Specifically, it seems some AOL users have been deleting
list mail by using the 'Spam' button.  Please do not do this, as it
flags the sending host, and if it continues, will deny service to
other AOL subscribers, not just for this list, but for all lists
on this host.

	If you'd like to be removed from the list, feel free to
follow the link at the bottom of each message, or drop me an
email and I'll take care of it.

	Thanks and 73,

	Majdi, N0RMZ

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